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June 2, 2024
Cybersecurity: Why Your Employees Are Your First Line of Defense

By LNS Solutions | 5 min read Cyberattacks are an ever-growing threat to businesses of all sizes, especially with the rise in AI and automation software enabling cyber criminals to rapidly target more and more people and businesses. A recent study found that 68% of data breaches come from human error, while only 15% of […]

May 23, 2024
Is Your Business Vulnerable from a Hidden Cyber Threat?

Did you know a staggering 54% of organizations face attempted cyberattacks on internet-connected devices (IoT) every single week? These aren't just your computers and servers—it’s your Wi-Fi, cameras, printers, Bluetooth speakers, Alexa devices, cell phones, access points, even fax machines. With the number of IoT devices projected to explode to over 207 billion by the […]

November 9, 2023
How to Get Your Law Firm’s Cybersecurity House in Order

How to Get Your Law Firm’s Cybersecurity House in Order   This is the 2nd in a 3-part series about IT Services and Security for Law Firms. Please click here for the 1st article. As the legal services field continues to embrace technology at an unprecedented pace, law firms worldwide are also facing increasing pressure […]

September 28, 2023
Law Firm Cybersecurity: Insurance Questionnaires

Law Firm Cybersecurity: Insurance Questionnaires   This is the 1st in a 3-part series about IT Services and Security for Law Firms. Please click here for the next article. Law firms are struggling with next-generation malware threats, social engineering attacks, and other forms of cybercrime that disproportionately target the legal services industry. To protect themselves […]

September 10, 2023
Small Business Cybersecurity: The 5 Most Common Mistakes

Small Business Cybersecurity: The 5 Most Common Mistakes There was a period long ago when small businesses could (partly) rely on their size to hide them from hackers. But the time for “security through obscurity” has long passed, and cyber criminals are now targeting small-and midsize businesses at almost the same rate as enterprises. According […]

August 31, 2023
Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Training So Important?

Why is Cybersecurity Awareness Training So Important? All it takes for a hacker to breach your company’s network is one of your employees opening a phishing email and clicking a link. This means that before your IT team focuses on advanced measures like vulnerability testing and encryption, they need to strengthen their first line of […]

July 20, 2023
How ChatGPT and AI are Changing Cybersecurity

How ChatGPT and AI are Changing Cybersecurity Heated discussion about artificial intelligence (AI) has been a feature of the business media since ChatGPT was first released in late 2022. While most of the media discussion revolves around which jobs ChatGPT is going to eliminate, there’s been a quieter but equally important discussion in the cybersecurity […]

May 19, 2023
Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery

What is the Difference Between Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity? This is the third installment in a 3-part series on hurricane preparedness and business continuity.  Business leaders in Tampa that are preparing for hurricane season will likely encounter two terms, disaster recovery and business continuity, in their search for stability.  Though the two concepts are […]

May 14, 2023
The Complete Guide to Business Continuity Planning

The Complete Guide to Business Continuity Planning This is the second in a 3-part series on hurricane preparedness and business continuity.  Serious interruptions to productivity can be a catastrophe for unprepared businesses. Even a single day of downtime can cause a small or midsized business tens of thousands of dollars in lost opportunity, revenue, and […]

May 9, 2023
Protecting Your Business Technology in Hurricane Season

Protecting Your Business Technology in Hurricane Season This is the first in a 3-part series on hurricane preparedness and business continuity.  Every year, the Florida business community must gird itself for hurricane season, a significant trade-off for living in a uniquely beautiful state. Since 1980, the total cost of damage done to coastal Florida by […]

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